Friday, September 17, 2010

Former O'Donnell Aides Claim She's Bad with Money

Attention Vermonters! Before you entrust Christine O'Donnell with helping fix the nation's economy, you should take a look at how she handles her own finances, both personal and campaign.

I personally would encourage you to read the following article from Politico before considering casting your vote her way!

Christine O'Donnell criticized by former aides

O’Donnell’s undisciplined approach to her campaign’s finances in 2008 foreshadowed the criticism she endured this year after reports of her own shaky personal finances surfaced.

At one point in 2008, the candidate traveled to California for a luncheon fundraiser organized by a friend in Los Angeles. Keegan said in addition to spending $3,000 on a trip for herself and two aides, the event itself failed to yield more than a few hundred dollars in contributions.

And a few days before the event, according to Keegan, half of the 500 invites came back to the campaign's PO Box address, requesting postage due.

Keegan, whose job was to oversee the campaign budget, said he repeatedly clashed with O'Donnell over expenses.

He said O'Donnell's phone service got cut off because she had failed to keep up with her payments, forcing her to trek to relatives’ homes to make campaign calls.

"It was always a misunderstanding," he said, describing her explanation when he would confront her about the recurring problems.

When O'Donnell wanted to place an order for hundreds of campaign T-shirts, Keegan said, she asked him to put the charge on his personal credit card.

"I said, ‘No, how are we going to pay for them? Her famous quote was always, 'have them invoice it.' I said, ‘We can't do that. In 20 days, we're going to have to pay for it.’ And it's not like we had all this money coming in," he explained. "Whenever Christine wanted money for something, she wanted everyone to stop paying somebody else."

That included halting payment of checks to staffers, which eventually led to several of them leaving, including Murray and Keegan before summer's end.

But before Keegan finished his projects in August 2008, he made sure he called all the vendors the campaign was using.

"I said, ‘Don't take any orders from her unless you get cash upfront,’" he warned.

Her campaign staffers weren’t the only ones who had issues with O'Donnell. Bill Lee, the 2008 GOP gubernatorial nominee who shared the ticket with her in November, said he attended many of the same political events as she did but decided to seek distance from her campaign.

"She would get off message and just be bizarre, so it reached the stage where I stopped making appearances with her. It was embarrassing,” Lee said. “More than that, I was asking for money from the same people and we went as a team and I really didn't want to be on her team after a couple of those things."

Read full story from Politico.


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